Do orthotics really work?

Orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts that help correct foot and ankle problems usually caused by variation in foot mechanics. They are designed to provide support, improve alignment, and enhance overall foot function. Orthotics can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as plantar fasciitis, flat feet, and shin splints and are often prescribedContinue reading “Do orthotics really work?”

Sports injury prevention tips

It is estimated that more than 2 million sports injuries present to A&E departments across the UK each year.  Football, rugby and netball have high injury rates in the UK, due to their physical and competitive nature, as well as having high participation rates. Men are more likely to sustain sports injuries- primarily due toContinue reading “Sports injury prevention tips”

Common running injuries

Running is the most popular sport in England, with around 6 million people going for at least two runs in any given 28 day period. Due to the nature of running, the majority of injuries that runners will experience affect the lower extremities. Some of the most common running injuries, and their typical symptoms, include:Continue reading “Common running injuries”

How does hydration reduce injury risk?

Whether you exercise for fun or are a professional athlete, the correct hydration is vital to your performance. On average the human body is 60% water, and it is important to maintain this while exercising. As much as 2 litres of water per hour can be lost whilst exercising, mainly through sweating. Therefore in orderContinue reading “How does hydration reduce injury risk?”