The Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports Massage involves using a variety of techniques and levels of deeper pressure to target muscles, tendons and ligaments. Although the name originally came about from circles of professional sport whereby athletes required relief from muscular tightness from training which gentle massage didn’t target, both athletes and non-sports people now enjoy this treatment. There are 2 simple reasons for this:

  1. Sports massage can improve performance and prevent injury (Beneficial to athletes)
  2. It releases endorphins (“Happy hormones”) which help to relieve pain and the symptoms of anxiety and depression (Beneficial for both athletes and non-sports people)

These 2 reasons mean that almost anyone can benefit from sports massage if they feel as though they need to give it a try.

Sports Massage if you’re not an athlete

Even everyday people not taking part in sport or physical activity can suffer from tight and painful muscles. You’re most likely to feel the benefits of sports massage if you are experiencing pain or discomfort that is localised to one area of the body. Treatment will help to relax muscles and target areas of tension, therefore reducing pain.

Sports Massage if you are an athlete

There are 4 scenarios when sports massage can be beneficial to athletes:

  1. Before exercise
  2. After exercise
  3. Restorative
  4. Rehabilitative

If you are debating whether or not it is suitable for you to get a massage as an athlete, if it fits into one of the above categories you’re likely to feel the benefits.

What happens in a Sports Massage and what does it do?

Different techniques are used to achieve different things in sports massage. Effleurage is used at the beginning and end of treatment to relax the muscles, to warm up the soft tissues which are going to be targeted during the treatment, and to reduce the presence of waste products through an increase in lymphatic drainage and blood flow.

This is then followed by petrissage- a deeper sports massage technique used to increase muscle mobility, ease tension in the muscle fascia, and assist the withdrawal of waste products. 

When patients presents with excessive scar tissue and other muscle adhesions or a decreased range of motion, frictions may be used. Due to the depth being worked at, friction can cause discomfort for up to 48 hours following the treatment. Although frictions may not be the most comfortable treatment, they are very effective in the treatment of sports injuries, scar tissue and acute pain. Only small areas are focussed on at one time, allowing for the breakdown of scar tissue and adhesions because of the force being applied.

What are the main benefits of Sports Massage?

Sports massage can have a range if benefits for both athletes and non-athletes. The most significant benefits which have been identified include:

  • Increased range of movement and flexibility
  • Reduced muscle tension and spasms/cramps
  • Improved psychological wellbeing
  • Improved blood flow
  • Better sleep through reduced stress and anxiety
  • Relief from pain and other symptoms of injury
  • Reduces blood pressure

What is the difference between Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage?

The main difference between sports massage and deep tissue massage is the focus of the treatment. Sports massage aims to boost recovery in athletes, improve performance, alleviate pain, and prevent injury. Sports massage gets its name from its focus on sports injuries, whereas deep tissue massage focusses around general muscle tension and a reduction in stress. This means that a deep tissue massage therapist may not be able to pick up sports injuries, but rather injuries from everyday life, including strains, sprains and whiplash.

If you think you could benefit from Sports Massage and would like to book an appointment, or wish to discuss this with us further, please contact us. For further information around the application of Sports Therapy treatment for non-athletes, check out our previous blog post.

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